Tiffany Aliche, aka "The Budgetnista," is the author of, Get Good with Money, and an award-winning financial educator who has transformed the lives of over one million women worldwide. She regularly appears as a financial expert on The Real daytime talk show, and co-hosts a top-ranked financial podcast, Brown Ambition. Tiffany also co-founded an online school, the Live Richer Academy, which teaches women worldwide how to take their finances to the next level and achieve their personal goals.
In 2019, Tiffany partnered with New Jersey Assemblywoman Angela V. McKnight to write a bill that was later signed into law (A1414, The Budgetnista Law), which mandated financial education to be integrated into all middle schools in New Jersey.
Tiffany has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Fast Company, Reader's Digest, USA Today, Cosmopolitan, InStyle, Forbes, Redbook, Black Enterprise and U.S. News & World Report and has been on the Today show, Good Morning America, CNN, OWN and CBS. Tiffany currently lives in New Jersey with her husband and stepdaughter.